Who is Figur?

Figur is a human-sized firm, founded in 2009 under the name IFRS Perspective Inc. At its beginnings, the services offered were essentially expert advice on complex accounting standards.

Over the years, Figur has surrounded itself with a team of around forty professionals in the various spheres of accounting and finance. These experts have been selected from among the best in their profession and contribute with talent to each of their mandates.

Knowing how important it is to receive sound advice when a company undertakes a major project, Figur is able to find the expert consultant who has the skills for each of its clients’ specific needs.

At Figur, the team responds diligently to its clients’ requests. It is with agility that it finds the competent professional who corresponds to both the technical requirements and the human skills essential to the satisfaction of the client and the collaborator.

The core values that guide every decision at Figur are people, proficiency and agility.

What sets us apart?


At Figur, people are at the heart of our concerns.
Finding the right collaborator for your company is part of our mission.


At Figur, proficiency is part of our values.
Our collaborators and experts are chosen from among the best to meet your needs.


Figur is known for its agility in responding quickly.
We know how to temporarily replace a key employee at short notice.

A human-sized firm that keeps an eye on your finances

• Agility

A few words about the founding partners

Annie Allard, CPA

Associée & co-fondatrice

Consectetur pariatur ex irure et eiusmod eu dolore sit aliquip ex tempor. Veniam pariatur irure sit in qui mollit Lorem. Ex officia nisi laborum non. Aliquip tempor ad consequat sunt sint labore amet dolore id dolor esse fugiat commodo. Et anim incididunt id minim voluptate ipsum quis laborum nostrud excepteur labore est culpa. Qui eiusmod deserunt ullamco pariatur adipisicing consequat sunt.

Ea id quis tempor aliqua sint laborum nisi anim nisi dolor commodo proident consequat. Ex ut eu enim officia proident tempor aliquip in do sunt proident esse cillum occaecat sit. Aute reprehenderit exercitation ut aute qui. Esse mollit veniam dolore mollit eiusmod tempor. Aliquip aute officia et occaecat ullamco et adipisicing minim dolor nostrud consectetur aliquip sit occaecat mollit. Nisi est officia fugiat adipisicing adipisicing incididunt eiusmod culpa exercitation incididunt qui ad commodo. Ut laboris aliquip do exercitation quis et ea qui.

Sébastien Charbonneau, CPA

Associé & co-fondateur

Consectetur pariatur ex irure et eiusmod eu dolore sit aliquip ex tempor. Veniam pariatur irure sit in qui mollit Lorem. Ex officia nisi laborum non. Aliquip tempor ad consequat sunt sint labore amet dolore id dolor esse fugiat commodo. Et anim incididunt id minim voluptate ipsum quis laborum nostrud excepteur labore est culpa. Qui eiusmod deserunt ullamco pariatur adipisicing consequat sunt.

Ea id quis tempor aliqua sint laborum nisi anim nisi dolor commodo proident consequat. Ex ut eu enim officia proident tempor aliquip in do sunt proident esse cillum occaecat sit. Aute reprehenderit exercitation ut aute qui. Esse mollit veniam dolore mollit eiusmod tempor. Aliquip aute officia et occaecat ullamco et adipisicing minim dolor nostrud consectetur aliquip sit occaecat mollit. Nisi est officia fugiat adipisicing adipisicing incididunt eiusmod culpa exercitation incididunt qui ad commodo. Ut laboris aliquip do exercitation quis et ea qui.

Ce qu’ils disent de nous

It was back in 2020 when we reached out to Annie Allard to help us temporarily replace a senior Finance role, and then then the pandemic hit. It goes without say that the pandemic was a stressful situation to navigate for all businesses, but Annie didn’t let that stop her from providing excellent support to out Finance team! Fast forward to 2024 and we kept Annie on as a consultant through the last 4 years. She has all the qualities of a true professional, she is smart, analytical, accountable, always willing to go beyond what is expected, and has great work ethic.She has helped us with complex analysis, Quarterly bank reporting, lead the entire budgeting process and provided support in all areas of Finance. No matter the task at hand, Annie is always enthusiastic to assist . Annie has a great energy and her personality blends in well with all team members.Thank you Annie for your continued support, we consider you as part of our Finance team and look forward to keep working with you for many years to come

Lucy Modesti

Chief Financial Officer, Blinds To Go, Inc.
I am thrilled to share my experience with Figur Conseils. Throughout our collaboration, they consistently demonstrated exceptional professionalism, truly listening to and understanding our unique needs and challenges. Their team is composed of highly competent, professional, and adept problem solvers who approached every task with dedication and expertise.Our project involved a comprehensive overhaul of our accounting system, which included implementing new controls, providing extensive training, and addressing both existing and new issues. The support from Figur Conseils was unwavering and invaluable. What I anticipated would take 24 months was impressively completed in less than six months, thanks to their efficient and effective approach.I highly recommend Figur Conseils for their outstanding service and exceptional team.

Karen Yum

Directrice des finances, des ressources humaines & de l’administration, Services Documentaires Multimédia (SDM) Inc.
Annie a rapidement saisi et concrétisé le potentiel d’amélioration de la performance financière de l’entreprise. Elle est une excellente coach auprès des financiers comme des non-financiers et possède un flair entreprenarial. Elle est rigoureuse, elle communique efficacement avec tous les niveaux de la hiérarchie et cultive la confiance des bailleurs de fonds et des administrateurs.Annie est une joueuse d’équipe, elle est attentive et motivante pour son équipe comme pour ses collègues. Elle contribue à un climat de travail ouvert et complice, grâce à un bon sens de l’humour et une personnalité avenante et facile d’accès. C’était un grand plaisir de la compter parmi ma garde rapprochée, au sein d’une petite équipe dotée d’une grande mission.

Marie-Philippe Bouchard

Présidente directrice générale, TV5 Québec Canada
À titre de contrôleur corporatif de Industries Lassonde inc., j’ai rencontré Sébastien Charbonneau lors de l’acquisition qui a été faite en 2011 aux USA. Expert en normes IFRS et US GAAP, il a été d’une aide exceptionnelle pour faire l’allocation du prix d’achat et le BAR, Business Acquisition Report et ce en m’accompagnant aux USA.Très professionnel, dédié, dévoué. Une excellente relation d’affaires a été développée avec Sebastien et son entreprise. Il nous a supporté à maintes reprises avec des cas de comptabilité complexe tant au Canada qu’aux USA.Sébastien m’a supporté au niveau du reporting trimestriel dans des cas de congé prolongé. Merci à Sébastien et je vous recommande sans hésitation de faire affaire avec lui et son équipe.

Michel Tousignant

Contrôleur corporatif, Industries Lassonde inc.